One of the hardest lessons to learn in life is not to automatically accept everyone’s feedback. People will always have opinions and unsolicited feedback to share with you. Even with all the best intentions in the world, someone can lack the context or expertise to give you good advice. You would be surprised how many folks also lack self-awareness. It can be challenging to know who you should listen to, but here’s a good rule:

See also

Don’t accept criticism from someone who you wouldn’t ask for advice.

The same rule applies to your boss. You should always listen to what your boss says, but sometimes he or she isn’t in the best position (EQ/personality, training, communication skills to give you the feedback you truly warrant.

Use the messaging below to push back tactfully and stand up for yourself. Note: If you don’t feel that your boss would be open to this feedback, it might be time to find a new position.

Talking Points